Soul Knight
Soul Knight


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  • Size

    885.4 MB

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  • Updated

    Feb 21, 2024

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  • Size

    885.4 MB

  • Version


  • Updated

    Mar 1, 2024

* For reference, Soul Knight game websites are all approved, there are no viruses and malware.

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Edit Notes

1, in the game players can challenge a variety of dungeons, get more loot;.

2, the players role allows you to experience a different combat fun in the game;.

3, under different modes can achieve PVE cooperative play, and partners together adventure.

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How To Play

Tower defense in the early stages of a strong sense of lack of power, the late poverty to the explosion, but also to prevent the sand worms steal home, the old tired.

And the position construction is too weak, said that everyone together to guard the magic stone, the result I see a bunch of statues in the end.

AI poor I can understand for this time the magic stone guardians are not yet high combat power, but only themselves with priests more than a few times.


Soul Knight is a pixel action-adventure game where players can try to fight with your partner or by themselves in a variety of different dungeons. The game players can come to try more weapons and props and skills, so you can get more interesting combat and adventure experience.



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