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  • Size

    3.9 GB

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  • Updated

    Jul 29, 2022

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  • Size

    3.9 GB

  • Version


  • Updated

    Jul 27, 2022

* For reference, LifeAfter game websites are all approved, there are no viruses and malware.

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Edit Notes

1, believe that in this game you will get to know a new apocalyptic world, a life belonging to your brave growth;.

2, step into the world of this doomsday wasteland plunged into the disaster, with their own hands to support the future of mankind;.

3, the game you not only need to be alert to the sudden attack of zombie creatures, but also be careful of other players who are also human.

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How To Play

1, in this apocalyptic world under the background of survival adventures, you have to arm yourself to be incredibly strong.

2, Make powerful weapons to help you complete the survival trials, become a powerful adventurer in the wasteland world, and form an alliance of survivors.

3, weapons and equipment will give you powerful additional attributes, so you can continue to transform into a real strong man.


LifeAfter is a modern society after the catastrophe of the virtual environment to create a multiplayer online survival game, players will be alone on an adventure, in the process you will meet more players friends, together with the challenge of a powerful doomsday mutant creatures, walking together in the world of doom, together with the struggle for tomorrow and continue to move forward.



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