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  • Size

    379.3 MB

  • Version


  • Updated

    September 21, 2023

  • os


  • Size

    379.3 MB

  • Version


  • Updated

    Sep 20, 2023

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Edit Notes

Classic childhood Dragon Ball gameplay, with a variety of characters, and multiplayer competition, experience a new and different feeling!

Players can build a deck of 8 characters with each character of attack level 1 to 8, and choose from 2 characters drawn from the deck when playing against each other. The game will be played according to the size of the attack level.

Some characters can transform in battle, or have skills that can increase their ability value, and some skills will have special performances when activated.

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How To Play

One-finger card action battles

Easy to use with just one finger!

・Single-click release of both combos and kills!

Worldwide Battles

Instant online battles with players from all over the world!

・Take control of your hand-bred character and crush other players!

Original Plot

Original characters drawn by Akira Toriyama-sensei!

Experience the new adventures of Goku and his team!


It is a very classic Dragon Ball series of instant match game in everyone's childhood. The game is a new NBGI launch, there will be a variety of characters will appear, there is a new multiplayer competition, to bring you a classic playing experience. DRAGON BALL LEGENDS" battle mode for the card confrontation, the random appearance of four cards will give players different modes of confrontation, from close short fight to concentration of chi, from Kamehameha to Genki bomb, there will even be some specific fantasy combination must kill technique to present to the player. It can be said that the game's combat style is more oriented towards strategic choices, and the actual control is reduced, so it can be said to be a finger on the battle of the hand game.



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